Each report has its own launch page. However, many of them contain some common functions to assist in controlling the data.
Use the hamburger button in the upper left corner of the report title
for every report run to change
parameters to see different data, a different date, site,
monitor, or any of the criteria used to define the data returned. If you use the browser back button, or click
the Reports link on the page menu bar the report and data you selected will be gone. It might now even return to
the launch page for a previous report. Additionally, the hamburger menu opens the report launch window
for the same report with all previous selections still in place. You can change, add, remove selections
and then click the Display button again to rerun the report.
The first three pull-down fields ("Purpose", "County", and "Owner") will filter the list of sites. These fields are defaulted to “All” so the Site List contains all sites when the page is first loaded. If you know which sites you want, simply scroll and select as many as you want. If you want to limit the list from which to select to sites within one of those criteria, select a filter in any of them. These three selections can be used with one another, individually, or left set on "ALL." This would be necessary to select multiple sites that cross over any of the parameters (ex: comparing sites from more than one county). Use one or more of those first three pulldown selections to filter to sites that pertain to certain criteria. The more parameters selected, the more limited the site list. So, if you cannot find a particular site, reset these to “All” and use fewer filters.
Change dates by typing or selecting from the calendar control .
Daily automatically defaults the start date with the current date. There is no end date when "Daily" is selected. Yesterday is the only other automatic date. When selecting Weekly, Monthly, Yearly the end date will automatically populate for that time frame based on the start date. Change the start date as needed. To get a full week, month, or year the start date must be far enough in the past to accommodate the selected period. If the start date is not long enough for the period selected, it will display from the start date entered up through the most recent data which is today. Please note that any data less than 3 months old has not been validated and is considered preliminary.
The Custom time period will run only for “today” unless you change the start date. Custom is the only selection which activates both the start and end date fields for typing or selecting the dates from the calendar control.
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The default format of most report data is in a table. If you run the report in table view you can change it to
chart, and export to Excel with the buttons in the top right of the report. In some cases you can
export a
PDF image of the report. Those options appear in many of the reports. Not all reports have the same export and
view styles.
Some reports allow returning data for the same time period for multiple sites. These include:
The smoke network includes sites Ecology monitors to observe smoke impacts for wildfire smoke monitoring. The smoke network includes the following air monitoring sites: Chelan, Colville, LaCrosse, Leavenworth, Mesa, Moses Lake, Pullman, Ritzville, Rosalia, Twisp, and Winthrop.
Back to topAcronym | Owner Name |
ALCOA | Alcoa Intalco Works |
BCAA | Benton Clean Air Authority |
Ecology - CRO | Dept. of Ecology - Central Region |
Ecology - ERO | Dept. of Ecology - Eastern Region |
Ecology - NWRO | Dept. of Ecology - Northwest Region |
Ecology - SWRO | Dept. of Ecology - Southwest Region |
HQ | Dept. of Ecology Headquarters |
NWCAA | Northwest Air Pollution Authority |
ORCAA | Olympic Region Clean Air Agency |
PSCAA | Puget Sound Clean Air Agency |
SRCAA | Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency |
SWCAA | Southwest Clean Air Agency |
USFS | United States Forestry Service |
YRCAA | Yakima Regional Clean Air Agency |